Dear Future Me
I am currently sitting at home on my couch thinking about how this will end but to tell you the truth I don't think it will. Everybody is in quarantine and nobody is outside. The stores are empty and every time they get stocked they are cleaned out in a day or two. My family is currently struggling for supplies, food , toilet paper etc. The other day my mom spent $300 on food shopping for some items which she could have gotten for maybe $100 before this mess. My grandmother went for a test on Saturday and the hospital called her back yesterday (4/6/20) to tell her she tested positive for the COVOID-19. Dad is very sick as well. I called him yesterday (4/6/20) and he said he is having trouble breathing and coughing but his test came back negative. I am worried that Mimi will die but most of all we all will. I am not ready to go man, I haven't even had my first… uh nevermind. I know crazy right a senior in HS in the 21st century and no play. I always had my life planned out my life. Have a wife and kids one boy and one girl then do fatherly things because mine left. I think people blew it out of proportion and now others are really suffering not having access to basic needs. This is my formal report of the rona and this is Bryan Pias saying goodbye (stuff we did)
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