Time Travelled — over 1 year

A letter from Apr 25th, 2022

Apr 25, 2022 Sep 09, 2023


Peaceful right?

Hi me. I hope you're fine. Things have been a bit tough lately, but we're going through them anyway. It's not as if we have any choice, right ? There are so many things that I want for you. So many things I wish for. I just want you to remember that no matter what, life is beautiful. You're surrounded by people who love you and who only see the best in you, even when you can't see it. You might think that you are a bad friend, that's not what they believe. They wouldn't be here if they disliked you, idiot. Don't give up on your dreams. I hope that you've kept on writing. I hope Brisés has reached its end and that you've started writing a new story. I hope you've been able to finish your mémoire and that you've graduated. I hope you and your loved one, no matter who they are, are still looking at each other with passion in your eyes. I hope you finally got that tatoo with your soulmate. No matter what, know that I'm proud of you. We can only grow up from where we are. We can only be better than before. Keep on being kind. Smile to the people in the street. Chat with the cashiers in the shops. Make some cakes or noodles for your friends. Write a love letter to your significant other. Never forget to take care of yourself once in a while. But please, please, never stop being human. Keep on being the friend you wish you had when you were so down. Keep on looking at the world with an amazed and sweet eye. I'm proud of you. Uncle Michel would be too. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday ! You should buy ourselves some flowers. I love you, Lisa


about 1 year later

Hello, me from 2022

It's been a while I think.
Life is still not...

Tub lwli reev ktihn i eb dnot' esy,a it. Ndki etwes taht tub of psedeti s'ti. .
Iognd ewdatn me iegrvehynt ot tkpe do ouy on 'evi. Prduo 'im of them giodn. Lodwr htat i rteetb ibt heop atsle a a ll'ti tltile at meka cae,lp eth. .
Thvane' riigtwn éibsrs fiesnhid i. Ames ti ta paril apbblyro o'stsry eht rehew inpot in saw hte 0222. It lil' ro aletr kwor roosen on tbu. Eegrde rw'ee gtraieango wnroigk teg won, wree' ddi ym tauob no i ahtt ,rvhowee ! satmr'se ubt teh snreuu. Bti be onthse ot a i'm ,slot. Eb to fien 'sit ginog but. E'wre rnotsg. Nnitghay get ellw' ohghtru.
Rydeytsae oguhtb i vsleuoesr orwfles. Teey'hr oeldv - rtyetp you elalyr ! eahv hemt ludwo.
Oyu 2420 in.

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