Time Travelled — almost 2 years

A letter from Jun 17, 2022

Jun 17, 2022 Jun 17, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Are You in BUET ? If not don't be disappointed and do what u are doing... Be it be freelancing or studying for agriculture engineering. Just don't be lazy and slack off . Remember Dad spent a lot of money on you . U have responsibilities as the oldest sibling. Don't suicide if u are depressed and Love Yourself. With Love, Yourself... PS : U still Love Anime Right? And What about TV series? Is DC becoming successful and Marvel becoming **** ? Wut about Mahim, Fahme(*******) , Labib ( Lutu Putu) , Fahim ( Jongli) and Mahir ? Did I finish The Big 3 anime ? Edit : Be Great U *******, don't be depressed, always be motivated when the world doesn't give a **** about you , You are great, you can change the world , stand proud and work for the greater good of urself and humanity....


3 months later

Man , I see there is no thought properly put into it because...

I ltrete, ubt lla **** ti ssgue si asnthk tsal si teh waht pnitgut werdi in it i remberem. . T,edisus 'dtnid jpnaaese ayeh ntoi i i i mylfes otn adb oasl , ni dus tge as so tube asy fi ma. Axem in nbee gnnpieds that ont hte eth as istm aegrds onhueg loas algd in adh nda id'tdn tbu stg i terfa ma i nnneeiirgge, ersitten nigeennerig feil havdus euesbac teesdietnr 'didnt i i orf in ym tlos iethwg eelirzda ureisvv cc,noiugh adh tidefl dit'dn spaa itwh sfutf i ma vnee beut vgie. Ont dteerietns was yoln rnampmgiorg i nesrcsaey, nloy umcoretp od htsvenicaeem cwhhi romf hawenyre ni dan anoeyn acn ttiascrfiece aer.

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