Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from August 3rd, 2022

Aug 03, 2022 Aug 03, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear 22 me, Your time this year is when you were on your way to see broski's cadet graduation. I really hope you got your driver's license or I owe you an *** whoopin. Sitting in the 3rd row seat of Betty (the Buick) watching Paw Patrol and listening to Adele's 30 album is honestly pathetic. I hope you are driving and listening to Adele instead.


about 1 year later

August 27th, 2024 3:30am...

*** erequdri howonigp on. I ddi no silenec intsel to ot dna ntfcia ym orkw teg edael ym wya red'ivsr. .
No em rof orw eomr 3dr saesngepr. Iresvd'r a nbee in rof eary taes 'ive own. .

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about 1 year ago

Update: I am still 22 as of August 3rd, 2023 and I do have my license and I am driving and listening to Adele. No ass whoopin required.

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