Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Feb 06, 2023

Feb 06, 2023 Aug 06, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, make sure you check out https://neal.fun/share-this-page/ its awsome <3 btw you still single?


about 1 year later

Had a girlfriend, Asta. Cheated on her, broke up with her. Still...

Hte twih rhe jnadro tcdehea no yug ,htiw i. Ruo woealld seubcae is r,n ohrte or arsiiptonelh hetor atren' heac dab to heca to latk ese daikn ew dan. Utsj ebrett i ***** abd gitsnh (: egt peoh tho ooso. Elvo i mih yralel. Nad he :) if hitw me up id' kbreo ahte elmsfy.
Oooso d: sibewet oloc is olsa htat.
!!p!dueat eh bset or cytuaall ,mac bettre njrado staret im' with thna ondjar neo e,m em did up si ihtw ihs aenm orkeb ihs ever niedf!s!r tsaa. Eb oresn!p joardn htta hwit auesecb led kbore em, thiw pyahp pu mi' tllauyca em weemaos nda to 3:.

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