Dear FutureMe,
Remember when the world was yours for the taking, wide eyes brimming at the thought of great things to come....? Of course you do!
Remember what happened next? Gah.
I hope things have gotten better. If not, expect to get showered with these emails for years to come, so don't go hurling yourself off a bridge just yet -- there's plenty of time to unfuck things...!
Moving back home after losing the dream job, life savings, apartment, dignity (and later, Grandma) really took a toll.
At this time, I'm hoping to get that Eurodollar Options Trader gig currently being dangled in front of us -- frustratingly juuust out-of-reach, save up some money, move out, build a fortune, build a (stone french gothic victorian) house in Oak Park/River Forest or Evanston/Winnetka/Wilmette, meet someone, acquire kids, and settle into a good prosperous life.
Very ambitious, I know -- but I've achieved ambitious, audatious goals before.
I put one letter 5 yrs out, another 10 years out, and perhaps another 15 yrs out, so don't feel that the whole list must be achieved (hell, we might have changed course and want something different altogether!) so don't sweat it...!
I'm really more concerned that we aren't here to read this (no accounting for the cold hand of Fate!) or that the now-23yo free Yahoo! mail account (or 8-10 yo free Google account) won't be there to pick it up.
Chin up, if we can read this, it's not too late; if not, hey, at least we tried!
P.S. this one's going 2 years into the future -- avoiding the birthday for obvious reasons -- so we'll see if staying the course has worked...!
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