Dear My Future Self,
I hope you're doing better now. Right now (December 18, 2017) you're kinda struggling to get by. I hope your confidence has improved and you're still smiling strong. Life has hurt you, I know, but I hope you learn how to live and let go. Anyways, how's life now? Good? Bad? Stressful? When you open this, it will be about your senior year of highschool and hopefully you'll be okay by then. I know graduating is stressful and thinking about the future is hard, but trust me, it's worth it. I hope you've learned to be your amazing self and tell all your witty puns whenever they pop into your brain because trust me, they make people laugh. I hope you've learned to love yourself because that was your biggest battle. And I hope that you're okay. Life is hard but it's also full of adventures and pages waiting to be turned, so please, live life to the fullest. California is waiting for you, I promise.
Your old self - Dec. 2017
6 days laterDear my old self,
You’re still struggling. Little did we know a global pandemic would crash your senior year and your mental health. You’ve fallen...
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