Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Mar 11, 2024

Hello Future Flick, It's mad how not having social media really restricts how much you are exposed to. If you want to know more, you have to seek it out. Your knowledge may be more select, but at least you know you were interested in what you know. Having social media is a bit like falling in a cement mixer full of porridge. You don’t know how you got here and you know that everything here...

Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Dec 23, 2023

Dear FutureMe, Chippi Chippi Chappa Chappa Ruby Ruby Dooby Dooby Bom Bom You made Lilz get a cat in minecraft on 23.12.2023. Do you remember that? Hopefully you are sill alive, I wish you luck with I hope High school, oh and don't forget get a boyfriend. Take care of yourself god sammit. I HOPE YOU DIDN'T FAIL MATH!!!! I love youuuuuuuuuuuu and uhhhh Idk what to tell you cuz you were in VC wh...

Time Travelled — 3 months

A letter from Jun 26, 2024

Olá, bom estou passando aqui para desabafar sobre algumas coisas que aconteceram no passado. Como vc sabe, tive que mudar de escola, conheci pessoas incríveis, mas enfim esse não é o foco, na vdd eu quero falar sobre sua vida amorosa (está uma merda pra variar). Até pouco tempo atrás tinham 3 garotos gostando de mim, vc deve estar dizendo "ah mas isso é bom" e não, não é nada bom, os três eram ...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Aug 12, 2022

Dear FutureMe, My goal this year is to have a B average. To accomplish tis you are going to need to study and take notes. Don´t give up!! I want to be known for being nice Tonks is the best hp character :) so stay postive and patient. At the end of the year if there is an award for being a bookworm I know you will if you read lots of books.(which who are we kiddding is wayyy to easy:) ...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from May 2nd, 2020

Sevgili gelecekteki ben bu notu yazarken çok üzgün olduğumu bilmeni istiyorum. Az önce rpde hoşlandığın çocuk yüzünden çok üzüldün. Gelecekte neler olacağını bilemiyorum az önce yanlışlıkla yazdığın her şeyi sildin ve bu yüzden daha çok ağlamak istiyorsun. Aklında kalanları yazacaksın şu anda. Dıştan o sana geri dönmeyecek dönse bile onu kabul etmeyeceğim desen de için çok daha farklı. Seni aff...

Time Travelled — 11 months

A letter from Sep 06, 2022

Dear FutureMe, Um so hello it is past me i was wondering if i get that sim card in thanksgiving 2022 and what are the new trends on youtube shorts and have they came up with anything else new like instagram facebook and also how was 5th grade and are you excited for middle school and i home camp timberline was fun you might be reading this in india ok well i guess that is all i have to say re...

Time Travelled — almost 2 years

A letter from Jun 17, 2022

Dear FutureMe, Are You in BUET ? If not don't be disappointed and do what u are doing... Be it be freelancing or studying for agriculture engineering. Just don't be lazy and slack off . Remember Dad spent a lot of money on you . U have responsibilities as the oldest sibling. Don't suicide if u are depressed and Love Yourself. With Love, Yourself... PS : U still Love Anime Right? And What ...

Time Travelled — over 1 year

A letter from Apr 25th, 2022

Hi me. I hope you're fine. Things have been a bit tough lately, but we're going through them anyway. It's not as if we have any choice, right ? There are so many things that I want for you. So many things I wish for. I just want you to remember that no matter what, life is beautiful. You're surrounded by people who love you and who only see the best in you, even when you can't see it. Y...

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