Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — over 3 years

Happy birthday

Dear Mata, Do you remember that three and a half years ago you came upon a website that would let you write a message to yourself in the future? Well, here's that message. So... How's life? If you've not got your PhD yet then what the hell have you been playing at? Are you still making a living from animation? I'd really like to know what you're doing now but I guess I'll just have to...

Time Travelled — almost 1 year

A letter from August 19th, 2023

Dear FutureMe, You finally 15 is really really hard because you was dreaming for this day but I just end up being a weird day for you you know like all I know is you’re turning 16 this year so make it up for the best of your ability always love yourself and always do you don’t let anybody and I mean anybody go around your way cause you’re always tell yourself girly you know we only 15 in this *...

Time Travelled — 8 months

A letter from Aug 23, 2023

Dear FutureMe, Farei algumas perguntas; responda com sinceridade ok? - Qual livro está lendo no momento? (estou lendo, "mais que amigos" e "o Deus que destrói sonhos") - Quais são as coisas mais incríveis que eu já realizei até agora? (até agora, pra mim, nada.) - Tem escrito as nossas conquistas no papel? - Se eu não tivesse nenhum tipo de limite na vida, e eu pudesse fazer tudo...

Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from Aug 29th, 2021

Dear Steven of August 2024, I'm sitting here typing away at my desk behind the counter at the Residence Inn Springfield. I've finished up my homework for the evening- reading Peer Gynt for Modern Theatre class and finishing up some Shakespeare reading responses for Sarah's class. Alas and alack, I'm sure you look back on these days with a kind of weary fondness now, but let me assure you the...

Time Travelled — 9 months

A letter from June 7th, 2022

Dear FutureMe, Am a good person who love everyone I love my teachers am sad I can’t see them .am a social person who love to have new relationships with anyone .Math is hard I feel bad for my report card .I love to talk with my teachers bc they are good I hope I can invite them to my graduate .I should be a good person to have more friends I should stop being curious about all people.some Peopl...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from May 9th, 2022

Dear FutureMe, Querido yo del futuro : Acabo de terminar mi Servicio Social Significativo y me siento Completamente satisfecha . Mis más importantes aprendizajes después de este año son: El compañerismo, la resilencia junto con la responsabilidad que conlleva llevar a cabo proyectos en donde gente externa depende de ti. .Estoy listo para mi siguiente año y después de graduarme...

Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from January 20th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, Hoy es 20 de enero del 2021, desayunamos un yogurt con granola y miel ya que el pan con huevo salió como el culo alv, andamos viendo el stream de auronplay? sigue en yt y twitch? Bueno en fin, ultimamente nos hemos sentido bastante bien con nosotras misma y la vdd es bastante bonito quererse, hace unos dias atras limpie mi cuarto y encontramos la libreta rosa donde poniamos nues...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Feb 06, 2023

Dear future me. how are u doing? this was rote is Feb 6 2023. I think I have grown up a lot. I think I still hate Prathna mamm but she's still funny, to be honest. are the exams hard? I think I'm doing well in the future. how are mamu and baba? I don't think they have changed their styles. are u still with Sarvanee cause I still am now, and is Aavani friends with you? what happened between an...

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