Public letters from the past

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from October 12th, 2016

Dear FutureMe, I'm sending this email because I think it's a nice idea, I hope you are well, I know if you try, good things will come. Just remember, the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you crave. come out, do things, don't stop writing in your journal, show your friends how much you like them. by the way, happy birthday! I know it's rather late but you're 13, that's a cool age to be....

Time Travelled — 9 months

A letter from January 12th, 2017

Dear FutureMe, Hi,不知不觉忙过去了这么久,打开邮箱发现之前想着过两天再回的邮件已经拖过了好几个月,现在已经2017年了,2016年的自己没有给2017的自己写信,记性越来越差了,有些事情应该立刻去做,别总想着以后,JUST DO IT!NOW!!有时候一个拖延的念头,可能会遗忘很久,唉。。。 现在是一个忙碌的上班族了,虽然现在在偷懒不务正业,想想自己上班的注意力真是太不集中了,这效率简直是在为什么后来完全混工资:)之前收到邮件的时候就是最忙的时候,其实就忙了那几天,不知道为什么后来完全忘了,有时候自己没感觉,日复一日温水煮青蛙,倏然警觉时,时光飞逝,会不会青春也是?惊觉时已然老去,细思则恐,是不是自己想着等等再做的事可能是来不及等的? 发现自己总是对现状不满意,然后又不去改变,“你很有骨气,你很有想法,而且你不甘平庸,可是你懒啊”...

Time Travelled — almost 5 years

A letter from October 10th, 2012

Dear FutureMe, It's a very tough time for you right now, but I bet it's better by now. Right now you're thinking that you're only option for survival is the military, or selling your body (to which you never thought you'd go down that road again). Whatever options you take, don't be so down on yourself. You're not a failure. 5 years from now is a very scary thing to think about. You almost t...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from October 11th, 2016

Dear FutureMe, I'm struggling today. Somedays, I have it together and I am full of joy and expectations. Other days I am like a lost puppy not knowing the task to start. Sometimes I wish you could remind me of how awesome this will all be. It gets a little crazy when you're broke and can't take care of your child. I feel less than more often than I should and I know you would say that's unne...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from October 11th, 2016

Dear FutureMe, I am writing this because I am hoping that you are doing better than I am. I have reached a low point in my life where nothing seems to be going right. July/August where I went to Europe was the happiest I have ever felt and my life has just started going downhill from then on spiraling into a depressive state. I am also likely to fail my Uni classes this semester because I...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from October 21st, 2016

Dear FutureMe, Você demorou 10 dias para escrever esse ano. Teve um pouco de preguiça misturado com uma certa falta do que falar. Nesse amo tivemos muitos altos e baixos. Questionamos nossas amizades e a importância das pessoas na nossa vida. Começando pelas más notícias, tivemos uma flutuação de peso muito grande esse ano e demoramos para reconquistar esse amor próprio que havíamos con...

Time Travelled — 3 months

What did you do about her?

Hi, This letter is written about the matter of loving a girl and keeping her in my life despite her rejection. I would like to know how you have handled the situation and what ended up toward this choice. Followings are my current thoughts toward the matter I did everything I could And he did everything he could And he seemed to have won her I have accepted my failure after my reject...

Time Travelled — almost 8 years


Dear FutureMe, There have been two occasions in my life in which I met a person who I have instantly clicked with and knew that the person was as interested in me as I was with them. I have recently met a third person to join the first two in the ultra intrusive and mega exclusive aspect of my life that is the tumultuous anomaly of bad timing. I love my wife, I always have. But our marriage...

Time Travelled — about 5 years

a letter from the past

Dear me. this is you, or what you used to be. If you're reading this it means that you didn't give up, and that nothing really awful happened to you. at least you can still read. by this time you should be near to finishing your degree. you should be very near to being a pharmacist. if that is true, congratulations. you made it, i knew you could. wasn't as hard as everyone said, right? or if i...

Why is this inappropriate?